Dream: Second Monday of Dalailul Khairat


AsSalamu Alaykum
Two months before my mother passed away, I sent her a MP3 of Dalailul Khairat and a copy of The Chanting of the Mystic Heart. She used to listen to both of them. A month ago, in my dream, I heard someone reciting the second Monday of Dalailul Khairat. I entered my mother’s house and realized that it was she reciting the second Monday of Dalailul Khairat in her house. I said to her so it was you! She asked me if I have the book of Dalailul Khairat and I said “yes”. Then she said it is good to have the book. Then I told her that the book has a lot of secrets and many saints use it.
Could you help me understand this dream?

Thank you very much!


wa `alaykum salam,

This is a real meeting with the soul of your mother and she is telling you that she has been admitted to the company of the saints due to her constancy in listening to the recitation of Dala’il al-Khayrat, and recommending you keep the same practice.

w ‘Allahu`alam

Taher Siddiqui

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